Sunday, March 15, 2009

America’s Never-Ending Hunt For The Miracle Weight-Loss Drug

Online Pharmacies
Online Pharmacies
Online Pharmacies
Online Pharmacies
Online Pharmacies

Now that we know that FDA-approved weight loss drugs are available, let us assume that one has consulted one’s and we our now ready to look for THE drug that is going to help us get back to our slim and trim avatar, had a proper medical checkup to rule out risk factors, doctor. Thanks to constantly being bombarded with images of perfect men and Americans have become obsessed with anatomical perfection, through the media, women, striving to make themselves super attractive to the opposite feeling good, and as a secondary benefit, sex! While pharmaceutical companies advertise the glories of their miracle weight loss and the possibility of getting these at a cheaper cost, the question then becomes one of easy availability, drugs.

This is where the Internet has come to play an invaluable part. We introduce the concept of online pharmacies. One can either keep searching through millions of sites on the there are some sites, or, Net, which gather all this required information for you, and make it functionally easier for you. The Online Drug Source is a site that offers you a wide range of places from where to order prescription and other help lines, with other associated information, drugs, community discussion forums and several other facilities. Since one is always skeptical when NOT dealing with a human where they list the various spurious pharma companies one should stay away from, the site also has a section on Frauds, being. Very often cheaper variety of the same drug implies careless quality control at the source.

To avoid one needs to be aware, when buying from an online pharmacy, this, of what this site, calls the Fraud Watch. Contrary to what most people associate drug companies with, The Online Drug Source is NOT owned by a mega multinational or other big companies. It is actually a bunch of people who have come together organize, search, to, and disseminate information about medications and where to buy where the primary emphasis is on safeguarding your health, cheaply but safely, them, The Online Drug Source charges a fee to enable you to use their site. Some medications like Phentermine and several other miracle weight loss drugs, require a prescription from a doctor. This Online Drug Source provides expertise in this area. There is a Medical consultation service that is available to all registered users.

Obtaining a prescription medication does not always require that a physical examination be conducted. The Online Drug Source maintains a database of providers, where medication can be legally prescribed via a phone consultation. It is also possible to get refills of your prescriptions. A lot of the pharmacies involved are comparatively low cost Mexican and Canadian pharmacies, Asian, European. Many of these countries have a better medical care system for their expensive, compared to the high-end, citizenry, insurance driven medical care available in the US. While it may not be unusual to turn up one’s nose and question the veracity and knowledge base of medicine in the above mentioned countries (simply because they are “NOT the US”), it suffices to and many countries today enjoy much better access to medical care than the US, that there are extremely well trained medical and technical professionals the world over, know.

Some of the good medical researchers in the US today, have come from other countries too. One of the things the Online Drug Source does, is that it studies the various online pharmacies and finds out how often their information is updated. Frequent updating implies good movement of inventory, which again implies credibility among customers. It also implies that the pharmacies keep current with the new research regarding the drug or drugs. Those sites that do not bother to update their information are regarded as suspect and often relegated to the Fraud watch list. If you have a bad experience, you can report on that in the online Community Forums.

You can ask questions to people about their experiences regarding a specific or relative costs at various pharmacies and so on, or side effects, medication. What does all this cost you? You can become a member by paying a fee of $25 per month. This gives you access to all the facilities indicated above.

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